Friday, 22 May 2015

Vintage Clothing £10 Sale!

Over in our sister shop Birds and Beards there's a special corner - full of £10 vintage bargains! It won't be there much longer so take a look and get some fantastic bargains while you can.

This is just a little taste...

Wrap top dress just £10

A gorgeous look for summer evenings - £10

Jacket and dress, £10 each

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Persephone Book Group - 4th June

The next Persephone Book Group hosted by Handpicked Books is taking place in Bird's Yard on 4th June from 6pm. This time the group will be discussing High Wages by Dorothy Whipple and everyone's welcome!

High Wages Bird's Yard book group

This is what Persephone Books has to say about the story they chose to republish in their range:

"It is about a girl called Jane who gets a badly-paid job in a draper’s shop in the early years of the last century. Yet the title of the book is based on a Carlyle quotation – ‘Experience doth take dreadfully high wages, but she teacheth like none other’ – and Jane, having saved some money and been lent some by a friend, opens her own dress-shop."

If you'd like to come along and discuss the book with fellow Persephone fans, just get in touch with Evelyn from Handpicked Books at and let her know you'd like a place saving at our free event.

We also have copies of the book on our shelves if you'd like to get one to read for the group, and you can keep up to date with the event over on Facebook